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Czy takie pekniecia sa normalne w Barkerach?


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I tego właśnie nie rozumiem - dlaczego resellerzy tak często umywają ręce w przypadku kłopotów z towarem i scedują 

kłopotliwe obowiązki związane z reklamacjami na konsumentów?

Czy to nie sklep powinien przyjąć reklamację i kontaktować się z producentem wadliwego produktu?  

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Nie ma sie co stresowac. Juz ras pisalem z Herring Shoes i odbylo sie to bezproblemowo.

Napisac mejla to zaden problem a jak mi odpisza, to wtedy zawsze moge sie udac ponownie do sklepu ;)


Mnie to jedynie strasznie interesuje dlaczego takie dokladnie pekniecia sie pojawily.

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Info dla osób niedoinformowanych.

Wszystko jasne i zadne nerwy nie byly potrzebne.


Thank you for your email, I have inspected your photographs and the mark in the sole isn’t a crack it is a purely decorative design we add to the soles ourselves, it will in no way effect the soles construction or the life of the shoe.

In our creative range we decorate the soles of our shoes with various designs with a piece of equipment called a crow wheel, all the designs are done by hand in our factory then a finish is painted on to the soles, before the leather is buffed and the shoes are boxed.

Your shoes would have had this design on the sole when purchased, but I suspect that as the sole finish is quite thick the design may have been masked, and now as you are wearing the shoes the original finish is becoming thinner and the sole design is showing through.

As I said earlier the sole design is purely decorative and will have no effect on the construction of the shoe, but if you feel there is a problem with the shoes please return them back to the retailer where they were purchased from for inspection.

However, I hope this email is of some help, and please do not hesitate to email me if you have any further queries.

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